Monday, July 6, 2009

First Day of School

Today is the first day of Summer Session '09 and I am so looking forward to school. I remember this enthusiasm from my childhood years. Of course, by the time I got to high school, and my first days at St. Olaf College, I was less than wildly enthusiastic. Today, however, is an exciting milestone for me. I have been wanting to study architecture since I was about 12 or 13 years old. And I start with Environmental Biology, and Vertical Studio.

I remember the genesis of my interest in architecture very clearly. I was in a Boy Scouts of America "Explorer" program created by an architect who was also our Scoutmaster. One Saturday, we went to the offices of Armstrong, Torseth, Skold and Rydeen (of Minneapolis, MN). The day's activities included a brief design charrette, of sorts, for a fountain plaza at the entrance to a building. I remember that day, fondly, as the day I first learned something about process-thinking. More importantly, I remember the fascination I felt, and the inspiration (which came from nothing). I was in awe of it then; and I remain in awe of creative inspiration to this day.

In my family, the idea of being an architect was supported and encouraged as an ideal; if not particularly practicable. Neither of my parents had graduated from college. Their support was of the variety: "you can do whatever you decide." That idealism, born of a rush of middle-class growth, following my parents' depression-era upbringings and WWII resettlement, was a significant part of the challenge. That there was freedom was clear. Unfortunately, there were other distractions calling for my attention.

One might consider the distractions with regret. I prefer to consider those distractions with honor as they have made me the person I am. We are, however, a product of our circumstances only to the extent that we allow those circumstances to speak for us. Recently, I have learned that I can create my "being," without regard for the circumstances. It is this learning that allows me the opportunity to create a new career at this stage of my life. That, and the support of all my friends, clients, and loved ones.

So here am I, at the beginning of a new era in my life. When my peers will be processing payouts for their retirement plans in the not-too-distant future, I will be beginning a new career in architecture. At long last, after all these years.


  1. Trying to create my "being" as well. I find myself asking my nephews what they want to be when they grow up as I'm looking for ideas.

  2. It is strange, isn't it? How we "turn out"!

    I think of my son, Paul, a natural keyboardist (piano and synthesizer) who divides his days between computer operations (at the University of Minnesota) and research and development for his own company - Genesys Fitness and Nutrition - (and as for "technology" you'll appreciate the "fisheye" menu at the bottom of his WWW page)!

    Too strange!

    Over and out for now . . .
